Later Alligator! My XYZ Axis Mural got demo'd yesterday (to create more 'green space' in this neighborhood, which I am a full supporter of). Check the Cincinnati Enquirer News Coverage and Video and a nice time-lapse video over at @agaragency feed. I was hoping for a wrecking ball, but this was quite powerful too. Nothing in the streets is permanent. Having this wall shine 1000+ days untouched was a great feeling. Some city planners even researched ways to transport the wall to a new location (for real) and even got quotes on chopping it into sections and reassembling elsewhere. Now that is a supportive art's community!

*Above photo by @betterwalkdavid. Stay tuned. Hoping to rally the Cincinnati art lovers and get invited to return for a grand re-up 5X bigger, on Main St. later this year.
And here is the video recap from my 2011 Residency/Exhibition/Mural at YES Gallery : XYZ AXIS.