
Geometry NOW.

Several 2O2OVlSlONS designs featured in this new book 'Geometry NOW' published by Sendpoints in Hong Kong. A nice big book featuring the work of dozens of international studios & designers … ‘Geometry shapes involve in the core of graphic design. As essential visual elements in graphic design, shapes have been constantly inspiring designers to create millions of masterpieces. Geometry is the science that studies shapes. Taking visual thinking as the leading role, it is dedicated to improving human outsight, insight and spatial imagination. The inclusion of shapes would make designs rather accurate and concise, attracting people with the beauty of the structure. Throughout the history, geometry shapes have never failed to be the very topic in all art fields. Now, to know about the history of the masterpieces is a must, if one wants to create works that can withstand the test of time. Geometry Now! is presented as the 15th Anniversary special edition of Sendpoints to honor the masterpieces, and to look forward to tomorrow. From the very origin of art styles, Geometry Now! introduces the history of how geometry shapes develop in graphic design, presenting 26 special feelings of shapes explored from A to Z, together with 72 excellent works from around the world.’