
Coral Reef / Tropical Camo / Series # 5.

It has become an annual tradition during the peak of summertime to take a break from computer design work & dive into a colorful & sloppy exploration of organic forms inspired by nature. Snorkeling is one of my favorite activities & an endless source of abstract form/color reference. This year I focused on this type of underwater flow & coral reef texture. Last Summer I went full-on scissorhands with a bunch of watercolor paintings to arrive at a fun Tropical Camouflage Assemblage Series. (*scroll down a ways for those & view many more at my website in [Art] + [Murals] sections.) As always, with this type of work, I did not sketch anything & hardly planned my process beyond the color palette for each. I kinda just went for it one blob at a time trying to not take myself too seriously. There are some successful moments, plenty of failures, & most importantly for me it was a refreshing palette cleanse from my 2020 studio rhythm. I will always love painting & drawing IRL & I’m already looking forward to working on my annual B/W Series in wintertime (the artworks, not the weather lol).