New editorial illustration for the next issue of Forskning & Framsteg focusing on economic gaps. The headline translates to something along the lines of "The small clique that gets the class divide to grow." We decided to illustrate this point by dividing the magazine spread to a large crowd on one side and a select few people on the right boarding an airplane. Lux geometry and suggestive staircases combined with zig-zag lines (frequent flying or stock market charts) help bring the theme to life. Another fun one for FOF. Thanks Guys! View past editorial illustrations and covers : 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 .

Pictured above is my first draft at the crowd illustration forming a curious "?". The final version that went to print is a bit different and less symbolic, but I am happy with this iconic exploration so I've shared it here. Grab a copy of the mag, better yet, A Subscription. Always great content and insights.