
Interviewed. Malakye Industry Profile.

"Matt W. Moore, graphic designer, artist and founder of MWM Graphics, sets the bar high when it comes to originality and taking design and art to the next level. Working inside and outside the industry for clients such as Burton, Nike SB, O'Neill, the NFL, Microsoft Zune, and Scion Motors is a true testament to his abilities and range of composition. With 10,000 hours under his belt and a wealth of experience under the table, Matt has the skills and know-how to land jobs with the industry’s finest.
If you’re an aspiring graphic designer looking for insider knowledge and tips, Matt lays out the fundamentals to help you get there. Whether it’s creating a name for yourself, the best ways to approach potential clients, or laying out a game plan for your next project, Matt touches base on these topics – and more - and illustrates the story that led him to where he’s at today." MWM - Malakye Industry Profile.