Here's a couple classics:
Sticks & Bricks. Hyper-detailed compositions with multiple narratives. I had a lot of fun with these. I am currently brainstorming ways to pick up where I left off with this series. It's like a Sharpie doodle inside the computer. Last year I started getting all sorts of emails from people saying they loved the water bottles I designed. What water bottles?! Apparently there was a Faux-Designer out there
jocking my fresh. It's happening quite a bit these days. It's wack when people straight steal your work. But honestly, I am more concerned with having people think I designed something that I didn't work on. Most of the time, the
Faux-Vectorfunk is horrible.

Don't get me wrong, there are lots of Originators and Innovators out there pushing new ideas. It inspires me to work even harder when I see great original works by my contemporaries. But it stinks to see the results of Copy/Paste/Tweak. Especially when someone was paid to do it. Anyways, enough ranting for today. If you want my daily ranting, check
My Twitter. See these designs in full screen. Click-Zoom :)