I've decided to start a new series of posts in which I will share some ideas and insight for fellow illustrators/designers/artists. This first morsel seems like a no-brainer, but somehow the majority of webfolio builders overlook it. These days, Art Directors all across the globe are constantly scouring the web and pulling images that resonate with them and their clients objectives. Then, they end up with folders with hundreds of awesome images (your images) and they make a "mood-board" to sell the aesthetic to their client. Then the client picks a direction, and it is the AD's job to either A) Hire You, or B) Copy you, or C) Pass it to their Design Team to copy you. Hopefully they go with "A" :) But what then? Have faith that they will be able to remember your name? They have hundreds of images by hundreds of artists in a folder on their desktop. And most of the images have funny names like "6543sde2210.jpg" or "summerbluepainting.jpg". Simple advice, prefix your images with your name, or studio name. Heck, prefix it with your phone number. Something... Anything... To give your hard work a fighting chance. Being on a their mood-board is the first hurdle. Being on their speed-dial is next. (*Kudos to
Dropular for ~maintaining JPG prefixes. It's a bummer that
ffffound hasn't figured this out yet.)