Cruised up to Maine this weekend to see friends and enjoy the springtime weather. I stopped in to see big-bro
Tim Clorius in his studio. Always amazing and inspirational. Tim is a truly talented artist.

We got to scheming on a massive mural idea over beers Friday night, and painted all day Saturday. Tim did the portraits, I did the abstract funk in the background. Good times. Click-Zoom.

Anyone who has tried photo-realistic art knows how hard it is, especially portraits. Now imagine doing it with a spraycan.

The homies Eydl, Rich, and Thot were burning too. Click-Zoom.

Sunday I stopped in to see the new
Evolve2Advance Studio in Westbrook. Dom was there and he showed me around the new spot. Full screen-printing operation in an incredible space. Nice work dudes!

Then I met up with big-bro
Ratio for dinner. We were both in the mood for a real Maine experience. He just got back from a month in Cambodia, so we went and got some seafood and lobster. Always good times in Maine.