This past Saturday night
MOMENTUM opened to the public at
Chorus Gallery in Somerville, Massachusetts. This show celebrates 5 recent series of my Artwork: Watercolor Paintings, Cut Paper Collages, Printed Textiles, Vectorfunk Posters, and
5 Hand-Painted Bike Frames. Along with the artwork, there are Tees & Cycling Caps that I designed the graphics for, and a Mega-Mural I painted on the exterior.
BIG Thanks to
Traitor Bikes for getting in on this collabo. Good Times!
HUGE Thank You to Zack, Josh, and Crew at
Open Bicycle, Photographer
Justin Keena, The Party People,
The Weekly Dig, and all the folks who bought Paintings, Gear, and Bikes. I'm very grateful and honored that you enjoy the work. This was one of my most fun Openings. Can't wait to see folks hucking around town on the bikes. The Exhibition runs for a month. Swing through.
More Info.